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Yuutousei wa Unmei no Akai Ito ni Sakaraitai


There’s a red thread tied to my finger, and at the other end is... the yankee who sits next to me?One day, straight-laced honor student Miyanari suddenly sees a red thread connecting him to his yankee classmate Hashiba. "There’s no way this sort of person can be my destined partner!" is what Miyanari tells himself. However, perhaps through a trick of the red thread, Miyanari ends up in all kinds of situations with Hashiba, such as getting injured and being tended to, and getting trapped in an elevator together. As Miyanari continues to spend time with Hashiba, he realizes that Hashiba is nothing like his outwards appearance, and gradually comes to learn his kindness... +

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Yuutousei wa Unmei no Akai Ito ni Sakaraitai Chapter 1
Yuutousei wa Unmei no Akai Ito ni Sakaraitai Chapter 2
Yuutousei wa Unmei no Akai Ito ni Sakaraitai Chapter 3
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