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The Dreamers of the Louvre


To celebrate the 10th anniversary of the Louvre comic collection, a series of international exhibitions has been scheduled. The Taipei Montue Museum, followed by the Tainan Cultural Center, inaugurated the Taiwanese part of this major retrospective by exhibiting more than two hundred original plates, preparatory drawings and video installations. Then, between August 2016 and September 2017, the exhibition follows a traveling tour through Japan, starting with the Mori Arts Center Gallery in Tokyo. At each stage of the exhibition, Taiwanese and then Japanese artists were invited to participate in this project. It is their work that we reproduce here. Their personal looks, their original cultures and their singular expressions send back new images of the Louvre,

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The Dreamers of the Louvre Chapter 2
The Dreamers of the Louvre Chapter 3
The Dreamers of the Louvre Chapter 4
5 years ago
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