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Rakka no Alpha Ou


."If I didn't meet you, could have remained a bad person..."Prince Lai the royal family who inherits the blood of the world, but lives freely making a turn. He likes beautiful things and started seeing keisuke Sakaki, a pretty boy who visited the royal family 10 years ago. Keisuke promised to "pick me up" when he became an adult, and they parted.When time goes by to pick up Keisuke, who has turned 18 years old, his prettyness disappears, and he becomes a young man wearing the aura of the male, which is one of the strongest in . Keisuke suddenly wakes up with a shocked in front of him.He bites Lai's nod and tells him: "Now it's my turn." t have to tie the turn between the two, but why is Lai's body like a 100-year-old...?Exclusive Greedy High- Prince [Exalted Omega Berth]! +

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Rakka no Alpha Ou Chapter 7
Rakka no Alpha Ou Chapter 8
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