Modern Day God Chapter 57

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farhan tanvir 17:02 - 10/07/2019
from chapter 8 to 17 it is from a different manga called "Urban Godemoemo"
Samuel Beste 06:41 - 02/06/2020
Actually from chapter 5
Samuel Beste 06:42 - 02/06/2020
I must admit, it is extremely sad to see these mixed up i would love to catch up, the site i have been reading from cuts out some pages, making you miss whole major scenes.
amieruul syahib 14:26 - 05/16/2020
start from chapter 5 to 35 all mix with urban god
RAFAELcodicheira 19:44 - 06/17/2021
this has a different manhua mix in with it