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Divine Inconvenience


Read manhwa Divine Inconvenience / Kami-sama ga Watashi no Koiji wo Honki de Jama sh*** kuru / / / Not a soul across the land would deny the beauty of Lady Elizabeth, daughter of Count Oslette. Despite that, however, and much to her frustration, none of her courtships last longer than a week. Unbeknownst to her, it’s all the work of the G** of Luck, Malfeus, far up in the heavens. In fact, Malfeus insists on personally getting in the way of every man who intends to woo her. Eventually, the other noble girls catch word of Elizabeth’s misfortunes in love. Unable to bear watching them sneer at Elizabeth, Malfeus grows angry and possesses the nearby Duke Vanderbild to save her from her tormentors. However, things take a turn for the worst for Malfeus when this leads Elizabeth to fall for Duke Vanderbild instead

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Divine Inconvenience Chapter 1
Divine Inconvenience Chapter 2
Divine Inconvenience Chapter 3
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