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Dai san Oji wa Hakkobutsu ni Tsuki, Chokushi Chui!


Lina, the daughter of a poor earl, can see a person aura. Going to the royal palace one day, she meets Gilbert, the third prince, who possesses an excessively dazzling aura. While she is surprised that the brilliance of his aura was to the extent where she could not even directly look him in the eye, thinking that he was a person with whom she would have no relation, she had intended to return home once she finished with her business, however...

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Dai san Oji wa Hakkobutsu ni Tsuki, Chokushi Chui! Chapter 2
Dai san Oji wa Hakkobutsu ni Tsuki, Chokushi Chui! Chapter 3
Dai san Oji wa Hakkobutsu ni Tsuki, Chokushi Chui! Chapter 4
5 years ago
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