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Cronos Haze (2014)


Naruyuki Touya, young student, arrives at Amagiri Gakuen, his new highschool. He finds himself on the quay of the station faced to a robot out of control and is attacked by a girl and then a classmate.
Who are they? How come the girl knows his father?
And what is the connection with him and this highschool?

Next Chapter (Next Issue):
Cronos Haze (2014) Chapter 33
Cronos Haze (2014) Chapter 34
Cronos Haze (2014) Chapter 35
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
just now
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