Akatsuki no Yona Chapter 268

Do not forget to leave comments when read manga
Kyra Kynak 14:07 - 04/08/2018
refka ihsan 02:52 - 10/08/2018
why the manga like this why emo ok im just board the story is nice but they not move on a litter bit ? why from 2009 to now there they not moven on on the story that much even yona and hack there Relationship Superficial and some kind werid imean ilove this manga a lot but iwant to say they not get to that far and they solw :l in the chapters so ihope they do it faster cause it's a awesome manga and of course the thanks to Translators but they so slow pleas hurry icant wait even if you can even send Japanese version and thanks :)  but ican't wait pleas help iwant watch it to much but pleas oh icant wait to the next chapter emo

Patricia Majlingova 06:57 - 03/01/2019
Some chapters not working and new 171 too. Can you fix it? emo (Sorry for bad english.) Anyway this anime, and manga too, is really amazing. emo I hope it will work soon so i can read it.